are certain functions within Health & Safety that apply to all personnel,
whether they are in the office, on the road or on site. Although the
communication and delivery of these functions may differ, dependent upon the
location, it is important that everyone recognises them and complies fully with
their requirements
is a legal duty for everyone to take reasonable care for health and safety to
themselves and others (this means everyone, staff, public other contractors) as
well as not to interfere with or misuse any equipment provide for Health &
Safety. In other words, don’t put yourselves or others in danger and use health
and safety equipment the way it is designed to be used.
is important that someone knows where you are, this is so that in an emergency
it can be verified very quickly that you are safe, or that you are indeed in
imminent danger. To this end, you must comply with the signing in and out
procedures laid down at whatever location you may be. When you are in someone
else’s premises or on site you must comply with their procedures, make sure you
know what they are!
will be procedures laid down for actions necessary in the event of a fire, when
you are on someone else’s property make sure that you have read their
procedures and act on them accordingly.
company will have carried out risk assessments to identify, where possible, any
risks that may cause harm, it is important that where applicable these risk
assessments are complied with fully. It is a duty of all employees to look
after any equipment, tools or furniture in their care, to inspect all equipment
for damage and report, without delay, any faults identified. The risk
assessments carried out will not be exhaustive, it is therefore a requirement
that anyone who identifies a new risk, reports the same back to the company for
inclusion within the existing risk assessments.
is important for everyone to report all accidents, incidents or near misses, no
matter how minor, to the appropriate persons. In the event of a serious injury
or dangerous occurrence, the company will then decide whether it is necessary
to advise the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or not.
is everyone’s responsibility to identify new risks or hazards. If you come
across a health and safety issue that has not been addressed, then you must
notify the company as soon as possible, where appropriate assessments should be
carried out, and any necessary procedures or actions put into place.
that everyone is responsible for the health and safety of not only themselves, but
that of others!